Are you fed up with dieting? Don’t despair; if no diet seems to work because you just keep falling off the wagon every time, it’s time for a new approach. Hypnotherapy for weight loss may be the secret ingredient for you if you struggle with emotional eating or perceived cravings.
In early January, Marie is offering an exciting six-week online workshop on weight loss. Classes begin January 3, 2023 and are held on Zoom every Tuesday for six weeks from 6-7 PM ending just in time for you to be your best self and shine on Valentine’s Day!
Cost of entire workshop including materials is $400. Register before December 13, 2022 to get early-bird pricing of $360. Click here to register.

What is hypnosis for weight loss?
This unique program addresses the underlying subconscious beliefs we carry with us that undermine our success with reaching our weight loss goals. Each week we will learn new tools to support us in reaching these goals through discussion, a relaxing group led hypnosis session and homework each week in the workbook and by listening to the weekly recorded hypnosis sessions. We reach these goals by looking at our existing eating habits and shifting into newer conscious eating by tuning into our body and creating healthy habits that are sustainable and feel good. This program was created for the Cleveland Clinic and some participants were able to release up to 2 lbs a week! Once the habits are created in the subconscious mind after 21 days they become a part of you.
What to expect?
You will learn medical strategies for weight loss along with mind-body practices such as mindfulness, relaxation and coping skills, and guided imagery. You will also learn a set of tools to use daily to address the urge to eat for reasons other than hunger. As you become more mindful, it will be easier to make healthy food choices.

How can mindfulness and hypnosis work?
The Hypnosis Weight Release program is not a diet, it is a lifestyle change. The goals are to stop the pattern of yo-yo dieting, food restriction, and using food to deal with stress. You will learn how to identify what is weighing you down, meet your emotional needs in healthy ways, and stop emotional eating. You will learn how to meet your needs in healthy ways and to make self-care a priority. Weight release is a natural byproduct of this process. How can hypnosis and guided imagery help to manage weight?
Identify unhealthy eating patterns
- Create a healthier approach to food and other lifestyle choices
- Remove the desire for specific foods that sabotage weight loss
- Reduce sugar cravings
- Imagine a smaller stomach so less food is needed to feel satisfied
- Create a deeper state of inner calm and quiet

How will I be able to manage my progress after 6 weeks?
You will be given all 6 weeks of the hypnosis and guided imagery session to use at any time as well as the workbook to revisit. Options are available to do one-on-one sessions as well!
Why Should I Try Hypnotherapy for Weight Loss?
You may be reading this because you’ve never lost your excess body fat, regardless of how hard you tried. On the other hand, you may have lost weight and kept it off for years, but you recently turned back to old habits and seemed to regain it overnight.
If this is you, you’re not alone. It’s more common than you think for a stressful event, such as a financial loss, divorce, or death of a loved one, to trigger the return of emotional eating or food addictions. Even when the current issue has passed, e.g. you find a new job or the negative event feels more distant in time, you may still hold onto these old habits.