We are treating patients during the pandemic and have a number of safety protocols and policies in place. Masks are required at all times. The practitioner is masked at all times. Patients must wait in car until called in. Compliance with these guidelines maintains a safe environment for all and keeps us in compliance with State of Connecticut guidelines. Please stay at home if you are feeling sick or suspect you have been exposed to someone with a confirmed case of COVID-19.

In addition to strict health and safety precautions, new check-in and check-out procedures have been instituted. We are focusing on treating patients that have pain, injury, anxiety, depression and ongoing fertility acupuncture during this time, essentially any patient that needs our continued services. We are assessing each patient case-by-case prior to scheduling services.
The following criteria must be met to be seen at Acupuncture Healing Arts Center
- The patient must not be experiencing symptoms such as a fever, coughing, shortness of breath, pressure in the chest, loss of smell or taste, or any other flu-like symptoms during the previous week.
- Patient must not have been in contact with anyone suspected of COVID-19.
- The patient must not have traveled or been out of the country in the previous 2 weeks.
The following patients are at high risk for COVID-19 complications and should follow all “Shelter in Place” and “Stay at Home” orders and use extra precautions at all times:
- People aged 65 years and older
- People with chronic lung disease or moderate to severe asthma
- People who have serious heart conditions
- People who are immuno-compromised including cancer treatment
People of any age with underlying medical conditions, particularly if not well controlled, such as those with diabetes, renal failure, or liver disease may also be at risk.

New in-Office Policies for COVID-19:
- Please wait in your car until you receive a text or call from the practitioner indicating that the previous client has left the building and all areas have been sanitized.
- Your practitioner will be doing a temperature check via a forehead thermometer and then ask that you proceed to the restroom to wash your hands prior to your session.
- Masks: Your practitioner will be wearing a mask during your session. It is mandatory that you arrive wearing a mask or I will provide you with one.
- The center is equipped with a new UVC Light Sanitizer to purify each treatment room between patients and will run a quiet UV air purifier in the treatment room, filtering out the smallest microns of dust, pollen, and virus.
- Bleach is being used on the face rest covers and all linens (including top blanket) are cleaned and sanitized, just for you.
- All laundry will be washed in sanitizing hot water and high heat dryer. Tin warming blankets will be single-use only.
- We will only be treating one patient at a time and so in order to keep up on our sanitizing between each patient sessions will need to start and end on time.
- Check-out time will need to be kept at a minimum. Cash and checks are fast, but sometimes credit cards can take longer. We will run cards after you have left if you are in our system. Give us your information when you schedule your session to have this set up ahead of time.
- Lastly, stay at home if you are feeling sick or suspect you have been exposed to someone with a confirmed case of COVID-19.
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Wishing you health and positivity throughout the week.